Monday, December 19, 2011


I harvested a whole bunch of Rosemary.  Rosemary will not make it through the winter here and I don't want it to go to waste.  I like to allow it to grow as big as possible and then cut a bunch, dry it in the dehydrator and package it up nicely for holiday gifts.


I still like to leave some of the plant to have fresh Rosemary for as long as possible until Winter finally kills it.

I always find it amazing how a big basket of Rosemary once stripped of it's branches doesn't look like that much.


  1. I love Rosemary - but hubby, not so much. So I don't get to use it as often as I like but I had mine outside in a pot this year and I brought it inside so we'll see if it last the winter indoors.

  2. Vanessa,
    I live in NC and I have Rosemary that survives the whole winter.(almost 12 years) .Have you seen yours die? As far as I know it's one of those that stay green all year.

  3. Last year I only dried about half the plant and left the rest. All the leaves died and dropped off by February.
