Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Queen of the Sun

Recently Andy and I went to go see the documentary Queen of the Sun.  We heard it was a movie about the importance of bees and being new beekeepers we had to see it.  The movie was wonderful!  I already knew many of the issues but it was good to hear other people's perspectives and opinions. 

My convictions about going chemical free and our over use of these products continues to ruin our food system.  The current methods of growing food have put bees in jeopardy.  Many people don't realize how essential bees are to our environment.  Honestly I didn't either until about 9 months ago.  When I left the movie I felt a sense of pride of being a chemical free beekeeper.  I hope that this documentary is able to reach a large audience.

Here's the trailer to the movie.  I hope you enjoy the crazy French man as much as we did, he definitely provided comedic relief.

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